Expert assistance is available to learn how you or your organization can make a Basketry Trails Square for your community center or organization. Based on the popular Quilt Trails project which has quilt patterns decorating barns in western North Carolina, the Basketry Trails Project is unique to Cherokee and offers Cherokee organizations a chance to make and display an oversized painting of a basketry pattern.

EBCI tribal member Louise Goings paints a few blocks of the Chief's Daughter pattern for the Cooperative Extension office. (Photo courtesy of Beth Ross Johnson/RTCAR)
There will be an informational meeting at Cherokee Cooperative Extension offices at 876 Acquoni Rd. on Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 4:30pm. There will be a demonstration of the gridding and painting process and talk about choosing design and color. Logistics for hanging the painted panels will also be covered.
This will be a fun project for community centers, youth groups, clubs and organizations to be involved in. For more information contact Beth Ross Johnson at 554-6925. This project is sponsored by RTCAR, Revitalization of Cherokee Artisan Resources, and Cherokee Cooperative Extension.
– Beth Ross Johnson, RTCAR