Siyo, since you last heard from me I have been very busy fulfilling my duties as Miss Cherokee 2010.

Miss Cherokee Tonya Carroll (2nd from left) attended the Asheville Tourists baseball game on "Cherokee Day" on June 12. She is shown with several EBCI tribal members including Mike Crowe Jr, Laura Blythe and Sonny Ledford. (Photo by Jan Smith)
During the Cherokee Voices Festival at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian on Saturday June 11, 2011 I was able to introduce myself to the crowd and participate in several Cherokee social dances with the Warriors of AniKituhwa.
Following Cherokee Voices I attended “Cherokee Day,” at the Asheville Tourists game on Sunday, June 12. There I was able to go out on the field with Chief Hicks when he threw the first pitch. On July 24, I attended a second “Cherokee Day,” with the Asheville Tourists and along with Laura Blythe from Cherokee and three others, threw out a pre-game pitch.
On Wednesday, June 15, I had the opportunity to visit the Cherokee Cultural Summer School. I saw the students making white oak baskets, gourd masks, and Cherokee dolls. Other classes were Cherokee cooking, language, beadwork and plants. I want to thank everyone who helps with this program and Louise Goings for inviting me.
I also had the opportunity to attend The Bluegrass Festival on Saturday, June 18 at the Happy Holiday Campground. I had a great time meeting some of the musicians and guests attending the festival.

Miss Cherokee Tonya Carroll visited New Echota, Ga. historical site on July 30. (Photo by Laura Smith)
The 10th Annual Kituwah Celebration was held on Friday, June 24. I had the opportunity to attend and had a great time. I want to thank all of the staff and volunteers that organized the event and everyone who came out to celebrate and support the New Kituwah Language Immersion Academy.
After the Kituwah Celebration I attended the 36th Annual Cherokee Pow Wow on Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26. The Travel and Promotions Staff did a great job with this event and I thank them for taking such great care of me and everyone in attendance. I want to especially thank Tammy, Jessica and Aaron Hogner for helping me with Pow Wow etiquette for this event.
Also on Monday, June 27 and Monday, July 25, I was able to be the cultural speaker to two other Presbyterian mission groups staying in Cherokee this summer at the Goose Creek Recreation area. I want to thank Tammy Jackson for inviting me and organizing the meetings and Harold and Jean Bradley for coming to support me.
One of the highlights of my reign was being in the annual 4th of July Parade in Gatlinburg, TN. This parade starts at 12:01 a.m. the morning of July 4th. There were so many people! Also, some of the veterans from the American Legion Steve Youngdeer Post 143 accompanied me on the float and it was great to see them being recognized for their service. I also want to thank the volunteers of the Royalty Board and their families for helping with the float for this parade.
On Monday evening July 4, I was able to stop by the Cherokee Runner’s Moonlight 5K Run/Walk race. I greeted many of the participants and helped the registration volunteers. I think it is wonderful to see so many people walking/running.
On Saturday, July 30, I attended the Ripe Corn Festival at New Echota, Ga. I enjoyed listening to the State Park guides and volunteers talk about each building and its place in our history.
I would like to thank the Royalty Board and their families for being such a tremendous support. I also want to thank my friends, family, co-workers and supervisor for helping me fulfill my duties as Miss Cherokee.
To all those interested in running for Miss Cherokee this year the applications can be picked up from Deb West at Tsali Manor and the deadline is Aug. 21. I want to encourage all of our eligible ladies to please consider entering the competition this year.
In closing, I would like to offer my condolences to the families and friends of Lee Taylor and Cristyn Jones for their losses. I had the opportunity to get to know both of these individuals because of my involvement in the Miss Cherokee competition and they were both remarkable people.