One Feather Reporter
CHEROKEE, N.C. – The School Board of Cherokee Central Schools (CCS) met on Monday, March 17 in the Central Office Board Room. The meeting was called to order at 4:45 pm by Chairperson Jennifer Thompson.
Co-Vice Chairperson Melanie Lambert led roll call. Members and staff present included Jennifer Thompson, chairperson and Elawodi (Yellowhill) rep.; Tara Reed-Cooper, co-vice chairperson and Widagalinidisgv (Big Y) rep.; Micah Swimmer, Aniwodihi (Painttown) rep.; Kristina Hyatt, Kolanvyi (Big Cove) rep.; Melanie Lambert, co-vice chairperson and Tsisqwohi (Birdtown) rep.; Consuela Girty, superintendent; Jo Ray, human resources director; Diane Driver, executive administrative assistant; Ashley Leonard, attorney; and Michael Stamper, Tribal Council representative.

Members of the Tsalagi Anata Anitsvyasdi (Cherokee Lady Braves) varsity volleyball team spoke to the Cherokee School Board on Monday, March 17. They are shown, left to right, Maya Brabham, Joscelyn Stamper, Dvdaya Swimmer, and Lilly Lossiah (Photo contributed by Micah Swimmer)
Roberta Toineeta, Wayohi (Wolftown) rep., and Dr. Beverly Payne, assistant superintendent, had an excused absence.
Guests in attendance were Deborah Foerst, CCS finance director; Rhonica Via, CBC finance director; Brooklyn Brown, One Feather reporter; and members of the Tsalagi Anata Anitsvyasdi (Cherokee Lady Braves) varsity volleyball including Joscelyn Stamper, Dvdaya Swimmer, Lilly Lossiah, Maya Brabham, and Head Coach Pam Sumner Price.
The opening prayer was led by Driver.
The agenda was approved with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Swimmer.
Deborah Foerst, CCS finance director, and Rhonica Via, CBC finance director, provided financial reports. Foerst shared that they are working on a system for better tracking of transportation spending, including athletic travelling and school field trips.
In good news, Girty shared that in the EVAAS (Education Value-Added Assessment System) for K-12, Lisa Livengood’s second grade class received “exceeds,” and the entire sixth grade received “exceeds” in reading and math.
Tsalagi Anata Anitsvyasdi varsity volleyball including Joscelyn Stamper, Dvdaya Swimmer, Lilly Lossiah, Maya Brabham, and Head Coach Pam Sumner Price, presented on their fundraising efforts for their upcoming trip to Hawaii. The trip will include a volleyball tournament with at least six games, as well as cultural and historical visits. Swimmer shared that she is most excited to learn more about the Indigenous cultures in Hawaii. Stamper shared that there will be educational opportunities to visit historic sites like Pearl Harbor. They raised around $20,000 through 50/50 raffles, concessions, and bingo, including their Mother’s Day bingo event coming up on May 3. They have $15,000 more left to raise. The school board is considering donating once the team has completed their fundraising efforts. Rep. Stamper said Dinilawigi (Tribal Council) would “cover the shortfall” once they have finished fundraising.
The consent agenda was approved unanimously with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Lambert.
The following resolutions were approved from the consent agenda:
25-143 REDACTED is approved as the Special Education Teacher Assistant for the Cherokee Elementary School
25-144 REDACTED is approved as the Special Education Teacher Assistant for the Cherokee Elementary School
25-145 REDACTED is approved as the Mental Health Classroom TA (Grant Funded) for the Cherokee Elementary School
25-146 REDACTED is approved as the Teacher Assistant for the Cherokee Elementary School
Several policy updates were approved, including Policy 1310/4002 Parental Involvement, Policy 2302 Remote Participation In Board Meetings, Policy 3225/4312/7320 Technology Responsible Use, Policy 3227/7322 Web Page Development, and Policy 3420 Student Promotion and Accountability.
The board entered closed session at 5:45p.m.