A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Kituwah pavilion on the afternoon of Monday, March 3. Shown, left to right, are Michael Stamper, Aniwodihi (Painttown) rep.; David Wolfe, vice chairman and Elawodi (Yellowhill) rep.; Maverick Martens; Taline Ugvwiyu (Vice Chief) Alan B. Ensley; Tom Wahnetah, Elawodi (Yellowhill) rep.; Jim Owle, Tsisqwohi (Birdtown) rep.; Bo Crowe, Wayohi (Wolftown) rep.; Boyd Owle, Tsisqwohi rep.; Perry Shell, Kolanvyi (Big Cove) rep., Dike Sneed, Aniwodihi (Painntown) rep.; and Ugvwiyuhi (Principal Chief) Michell Hicks. (BROOKLYN BROWN/One Feather photos)
One Feather Reporter
KITUWAH – A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Kituwah pavilion on the afternoon of Monday, March 3 including remarks from EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Project Management Manager Rebecca Bowe, Ugvwiyuhi (Principal Chief) Michell Hicks, Taline Ugvwiyu (Vice Chief) Alan B. Ensley, EBCI Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) Senior Archaeologist Brian Burgess, and Kituwah farmer Amy Walker, who spoke to the importance of Kituwah and the necessity of the project for the community.

Kituwah farmers were at the event including Maverick Martens, David Wolfe, Gabe McMillan, Dean McMillan, Amy Walker, and John Dugan.
Bowe says the contractor for the project is expected to be on site beginning Monday, March 10, and the project is set to be completed by early May if not sooner.
The airplane hangar area at Kituwah has been used for several important community events such as the Annual Kituwah Celebration, the Remember the Removal Riders Send-off, and Cherokee Tri-Council meetings.
Ugvwiyuhi Hicks shared, “Today, we broke ground on an exciting new addition at Kituwah – a pavilion that will serve our community for years to come. Kituwah is the heart of our people, and this project reflects our commitment to preserving and enhancing this special space.
It is an investment in our future, ensuring that Kituwah remains a place of learning, connection, and tradition.
Sgi to everyone who helped bring this vision to life. I look forward to seeing this project completed and the many ways it will benefit our people.”
Bowe provided a basic rendering of the pavilion, which features an open-air structure in line with the previous uses of the space.

Kituwah pavilion rendering provided by EBCI Project Management.