Submitted by Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority
November is Tobacco Cessation Month. Tobacco is considered a worldwide public health epidemic Tobacco use is one of the world’s leading preventable causes of death and is a major preventable risk factor of diseases like cancer, lung and heart diseases. Tobacco kills around 8 million people per year and about 80% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco. Tobacco Cessation month acts as a month to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco on you and those around you, and the benefits of quitting.
Some of the harmful effects of tobacco on the body include:
- Raised Cancer risk all over the body
- Increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart disease
- Increased risk about type 2 diabetes
- Increased risk for lung conditions, cancer, and lung damage
- Increased risk of gum disease, osteoporosis, vision loss, and more
Secondhand smoke can also cause your loved ones to develop some of these health issues as well such as cancer, lung disease, and heart problems. Quitting tobacco can benefit you in many ways and can even save you and your loved one’s lives. It lowers the risk of these health issues and over time, your body can return to some normal body functions similar to nonsmokers. For example, it is found after one year of quitting your added risk of coronary disease is almost half that of a nonsmoker, and after five years your risk of stroke is the same as a nonsmoker. And after just 12 hours of quitting, your body’s blood carbon monoxide level drops and your oxygen level return to normal.
In indigenous cultures, natural tobacco is considered sacred, so when using tobacco in a spiritual way- make sure you are only using healthy and natural tobaccos as these do not have the same harmful ingredients. Know the risks and spread awareness about tobacco cessation.