One Feather Staff Report
CHEROKEE, N.C. – The 2023 EBCI Cooperative Extension Office’s Annual Garden Contest awards were given on the evening of Monday, Sept. 18 at the Yellowhill Activity Center. The contest judging occurred in the second week of July.

Tawodi Biddix, from the Birdtown Community, won first place in the youth organic garden category at the annual EBCI Cooperative Extension Garden Contest awards on the evening of Monday, Sept. 18 at the Yellowhill Activity Center. (DAWN ARNEACH/One Feather photo)
Extension officials said, “It is an enjoyable week each year for us, as we get to see the hard work many of you put into growing your own food. We know the past year and a half has been difficult for many. Our office continues to stress the importance of food security. As we all have seen over those 18 months, the food supply chain is more fragile than many believed. Worker shortages in the areas of agriculture, processing, shipping, and retail created supply issues. Increased demand with people hoarding food and supplies created increased demand on stressed supply. We encourage all our families and community members to make efforts to supplement their food needs by growing fruits, vegetables, raising chickens for eggs, and/or small-scale meat production.”
They added, “Not all community members have land to raise a garden or the equipment to maintain it. With this in mind, our office has and will continue to teach alternative gardening such as raised bed planting.”
Awards are as follows by community:
Big Cove Community
Thomas David Bradley -1st Place-Individual Garden, Conventional
Tommy Bradley -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Conventional
Vita Nations -2nd Place-Senior 60-69, Conventional
Bernice Bottchenbaugh -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Organic
Sadie Bradley -1st Place-Senior 80-89, Conventional
Seaborn Bradley -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Conventional
Eliza Jane Bradley -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Conventional
Cindee West -1st Place-Family Garden, Organic
Birdtown Community
Tyler Ledford -1st Place-Individual Garden, conventional
Lloyd Owle -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Conventional
Alice Dyer -1st Place-Community Club Garden
John Haigler -1st Place-Senior 90+
Alyne Stamper -1st Place-Senior 70-79, Conventional
Tawodi Biddix -1st Place-Youth, Organic
Leighton George -1st Place-Youth, Conventional
Big Y Community
Big Y Community -1st Place-Community Garden
Trudy Crowe -1st Place-Raised beds, Organic
Candy Crowe -2nd Place-Raised Beds, Organic
Charlotte George -1st Place-Senior 80-89, Conventional
Kimbo Crowe -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Raised beds, Conventional
Kinley Crower -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Raised beds, Conventional
Kaiser Hernandez -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Organic
Morgan Hernandez -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Organic
Samuel Hernandez -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Organic
Samantha Hernandez -1st Place-Individual Garden, Organic
Wolftown Community
Mary Long -1st Place-Senior 80-89
Barry Reed -1st Place-Senior 70-79, Conventional
Pat Oocumma -1st Place-Senior 70-79, Organic
Wilson Oocumma -2nd Place-Senior 70-79, Organic
Dean Bradley -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Conventional
Vicki Reed -2nd Place-Senior 60-69, Conventional
Martha Talala -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Raised beds, conventional
Trina Owle -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Organic
Jeanne Burgess -2nd Place-Family Garden, Organic
Amy Postoak -1st Place-Family garden, Organic
Brittany Lossiah -1st Place-Family garden, Conventional
Claudette Long -1st Place-Individual Garden, Organic
Kyndra Postoak -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Organic
Rhiannon Postoak -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Organic
Wolftown Community Club -1st Place-Community Garden
Cherokee County Community
Brenda Cook -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Organic
Hazel Nations -1st Place-Senior 60-69, Conventional
Irene Mathis -1st Place-Senior 70-79, conventional
Reba Davis -2nd Place-Senior 70-79, conventional
Louise Davenport -1st Place-Senior 80-89, conventional
Snowbird Community
Emily Jones -1st Place-Youth 17 & under, conventional
Kris Teasdale–1st Place-Individual Garden, Organic
JC Wachacha -1st Place-Senior 70-79, Organic
Lou Jackson -1st Place-Senior 70-79, conventional
Yellowhill Community
Faye Junaluska -1st Place -Individual Garden, Organic-
Anita Lossiah -1st Place -Family Garden, Organic
William Smith -1st Place -Senior 70-79, conventional
Ella Lossiah -1st Place -Senior 80-89, Conventional
Tribal Childcare Parent Group -1st Place -Youth 17 & under, Organic
Noah Watty -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Conventional
Isabella Crowe-Lossiah -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Conventional
Penelope Watty -Participant-Youth 17 & under, Conventional-
Yellowhill Community Club -1st Place -Community Garden
Abbie Ball -1st Place-Youth, Organic
Gerard Ball -1st Place-Family Garden, Organic
Marion Thompson -1st Place-Family Garden, Organic
Landscape Awards
1st Place – Merritt and Lulie Youngdeer
2nd Place tie – Barry and Vicki Reed
2nd Place tie – Vic Haigler
3rd Place – Nancy Brown
Sgadugi Engaged Community Certificates
Cherokee County Indian Community Club
Painttown Community Club
Towstring Community Club
Sgadugi Community of Promise Certificates
Big Cove Community Club
Big Y Community Club
Sgadugi Community of Distinction-Honorable Mention
Wolftown Community Club
Snowbird Community Club
Sgadugi Community of Distinction Award
Yellowhill Community Club
Community Development Scrapbook Awards
1st Place – Wolftown Community Club
2nd Place – Big Y Community Club
3rd Place – Big Cove Community Club