These past few weeks have seen a flurry of events and excitement. I hope everyone enjoyed the July 4th Holiday weekend and took the opportunity to spend time with those you love. I enjoyed my time spent with family, but I also enjoyed the festivities taking place around Cherokee. The Cherokee Right Path Leadership 2018-2019 cohort hosted the Anetsodi Stickball Challenge. Three teams registered for the tournament, which was well attended. Congratulations to Waneulinigida on winning the tournament! The Office of the Principal Chief was happy to support this tournament by offering the prize money.

Principal Chief Richard G. Sneed, left, visits with Michael Regan, Secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. (Photo by Ashleigh Stephens/EBCI Public Relations)
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary Michael Regan visited the Qualla Boundary last week to learn more about the Cherokee people, our homelands, and the steps we take to preserve and protect our natural resources. I would like to thank EBCI Environment & Natural Resources Secretary Joey Owle for his work to arrange the tour of Cherokee. Establishing good relationships with our state partners gives the EBCI networking opportunities, increased access to grant funding, and access to best practices across the state and nation.
The Cherokee Braves hosted a Golf Tournament to raise money for athletic expenses in the upcoming school year. My office sponsored a team to compete in the tournament, and I was honored to welcome the golfers as they arrived at the tournament. Supporting our local athletic programs gives our youth the opportunity to grow their leadership and social skills. Upon leaving the Golf Tournament, I traveled to Snowbird to assist with cooking for the employees stationed in Graham County. These employees serve our Snowbird residents, and I was honored to show my appreciation for all their hard work.
The Office of the Principal Chief met with representatives from the Cherokee Community Clubs regarding the Backpack Program. My office has designated some additional funding for this project and secured a sponsorship by the Alcohol Law Enforcement (ALE) in the amount of $10,000 to allow us to purchase a higher quality backpack. Please contact your Community Club regarding the dates for distribution.