Note: This list of pow wows was compiled by One Feather staff. The One Feather does not endorse any of these dances. It is simply a listing of ones occurring throughout the continent. Please call before traveling.
32nd Annual Oglala Lakota Nation Wacipi Rodeo Fair. Aug. 3-6 in Pine Ridge, SD. Emcees: Jerry Dearly, Chris Eagle Hawk. Host Drums: Midnight Express, Young Bear. Info: Cis Big Crow (605) 867-8427
42nd Annual Kaw Nation Pow Wow. Aug. 4-6 at Kaw Nation Pow Wow Grounds in Kaw City, Okla. MC: Oliver Littlecook. Head Southern Singer: Mike Kihega. Info: Donna Villa (417) 364-5782
Oklahoma Indian Nation Pow Wow and Summerfest. Aug. 4-6 in Concho, Okla. Info: (405) 361-8945 or (405) 422-7585
39th Annual Sobriety Pow Wow Mash-ka-wisen. Aug. 4-6 at Mash-Ka-Wisen School in Sawyer, Minn. Info: Jim Mallery (218) 879-6731,
60th Annual Piikani Nation Celebrations Pow Wow. Aug. 4-6 at Crow Lodge Park at Piikani Nation, Brocket, Alberta, Canada. Info: Lowell Yellow Horn (403) 965-3092,
Kehewin Cree Nation Pow Wow. Aug. 4-6 at Kehewin Cree Nation, Kehewin, Alberta, Canada. Emcees: Donal Speidel, Tommy Christian, Eugene Cardinal. Info: Greyeagle Cardinal (780) 545-7242