A Cherokee Firefighter works to contain a house fire on Tooni Branch Rd. on Thursday, July 10. (Photo courtesy of EBCI Public Safety)
The EBCI Public Safety Communication Center received a report at 8:32am on Thursday, July 10 of a house fire at 495 Tooni Branch Rd. in Cherokee. The initial reporting party said the structure was fully involved.
Cherokee Fire & Rescue responded and found the residence fully involved, as reported into dispatch by the initial responder on scene. The structure was a two-story home located approximately ½ a mile off Wrights Creek Rd, on Tooni Branch Rd. The owner of the home was not present at the time.
There were no injuries with CF&R personnel and no other structures were affected by the fire. As of this release, there is an on-going investigation to determine the cause.
– EBCI Public Safety