Cherokee Central Schools announced the appointment of Debora Kinsland Foerst as the new principal of Cherokee High School on Friday, July 11. Foerst is a lifelong resident of the Qualla Boundary and is proud to call herself a Cherokee alumna.

Cherokee Central Schools announced the appointment of Debora Kinsland Foerst as the new principal of Cherokee High School on Friday, July 11. (CCS photo)
Following high school, she earned an associate’s degree of applied science in business administration from Haywood Community College, a bachelor’s of science degree in secondary education from Western Carolina University, a master’s of arts degree in English from Western Carolina University, a Gifted and Talented Add-On Certification from the University of Virginia, and a Post Masters Licensure in Educational Leadership from Western Carolina University.
She began her tenure at Cherokee Central Schools in 2000 as the GEAR UP coordinator. The following year, she moved into the classroom to teach language arts at Cherokee Middle. In addition to teaching, Foerst served as advisor/sponsor for the Cherokee Middle School chapter of the National Junior Beta Club, the yearbook, the school newspaper, and the theater in education program.
In 2007, she moved to Cherokee High School where she taught English II, English III, Journalism, and Publication. She was active with our school improvement team, SADD club, Senior Beta Club, and class sponsorship. As an avid Cherokee Braves fan and supporter, Foerst has served as statistician for the varsity football team and both varsity basketball teams.
Cherokee Central Schools superintendent D. Scott Penland commented, “I am very excited about having Deb Foerst as principal of Cherokee High School. I have had the opportunity to work with her over the past year and have been very impressed with her work ethic, her commitment to Cherokee Central Schools and her knowledge of the students, parents and community.”
He continued by saying, “Cherokee is very fortunate to have Ms. Foerst in this position and I expect Cherokee High School to continue to flourish under her leadership. I wish to express my gratitude to Ms. Woodreen Caldwell for her many years of service to Cherokee Central Schools. She has been a delight to work with and I wish her best of luck as she begins her much deserved retirement.”
Superintendent Penland added, “I ask the entire community to show Ms. Foerst support throughout the year as we work to make Cherokee High School the best high school in North Carolina.”
– Cherokee Central Schools