SCC to offer Microsoft Office and Notary training

by Feb 9, 2012NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments

     Southwestern Community College will offer two classes especially for tribal employees and other businesses on the reservation. The first is MicroSoft Office Training which will be held at SCC’s Cherokee Center from March 5 – April 16 from 6-9pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.   The 39-hour course carries 3.9 CEUs and focuses on Word, Excel and Power Point. The cost is $125.  The class will include training in Word, Excel and Power Point. 

     Notary Public Education will be offered Saturday, Feb. 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Founders Hall, Room 133 on SCC’s Jackson Campus. The six-hour course covers the qualifications, procedures and certification for becoming a notary. Students must possess a high school diploma or equivalent, be at least 18 years of age, reside legally in the United States and have the ability to read, write and speak the English language. Upon completion of this course with a passing exam grade of 80%, a person is eligible to make application with the NC Secretary of State office. Students are encouraged to purchase and read through the textbook prior to attending the course.  The required textbook, Notary Public Guidelines for North Carolina 10th Edition, may be purchased at the College Bookstore prior to class. The cost of the class is $65 and the book cost $27.75.  Students must present a current photo ID (including signature & physical description) to be admitted to class.  Only state or federal government ID or federal or state recognized tribal government agency ID are acceptable.

     Info:  Vita Nations, SCC Cherokee Center, 497-7233,