Ten EBCI tribal members are offering free sustainable water systems that include rain barrels to the first 30 EBCI tribal elders who call as a community service project. The water systems and related information will be available at no charge and must be ordered by Monday, March 28, by calling Alicia Jacobs at Cherokee Preservation Foundation at 497-5550.

An exmample of what the rain barrels will look like when finished. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Foltz/Cherokee Preservation Foundation)
“The goal of this project is to inform our community of a new way to be eco-friendly and to provide elders with an easy, low maintenance opportunity to expand their gardening ideas,” said Kristie Fuller, a Jones-Bowman Fellow.
The community service project has been undertaken by tribal members who are participating in the Jones-Bowman Leadership Award Program to develop their leadership capabilities. The Fellows are Gerard Ball, Kristie Fuller, Lucretia Hicks, Kevin Jackson, Sky Kanott, Jessica Munson, Joey Owle, Damian Solis, Kelsey Standingdeer and Noah Wachacha.
Systems, which will be available in early April, include a water barrel to hold rain runoff, a pipe to control flow of the water, a screen to keep our bugs and debris, a water hose to water flowers. The barrel will be positioned at house gutter drop-offs. Elders will be contacted when their sustainable water system is ready.
– ALICIA JACOBS, Cherokee Preservation Foundation