Tribal Council Results – July 1

by Jul 20, 2010NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments


Tribal Council Results July 1

No # given – Last will & testament of Charlotte Hornbuckle Mason (d) – Hold

Tabled Ord. No. 216 – Election Ordinance Amendments – Remains Tabled

Tabled Res. No. 238 – Request for 3% COLA for Tribal employees – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 274 – Syllabary Translation – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 275 – Business Preference Law Amendments – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 321 – Business Background Checks – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 323 – Hunting & Fishing Ord. Amendments – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 356 – Concealed Carry of Dangerous Weapons – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 357 – Domestic Violence Prevention Act – Remains Tabled

Tabled Ord. No. 358 – Tribal Condominium Act – Killed

Tabled Res. No. 362 – Shan Standingdeer requests transfer between himself and John Julius Wilnoty (d) be completed without signature of Tennie Standingdeer Wilnoty – Remains Tabled

Res. No. 391 – Protest resolution regarding Res. No. 391 (2010) submitted by Cynthia Grant and Billie Jo Rich – location of pump station in Painttown Community – Killed/Denied

Res. No. 392 – Amendment to Res. No. 264 (10) to change name from William Howard Lambert (d) to Willard Howard Lambert (d) – Passed

Res. No. 393 – BIA authorized to decrease right-of-way along Mary Lambert Farm Road from 60 feet to 40 feet across parcel belonging to Patrick Lambert – Amended/Tabled

Res. No. 394 – Assignment of mutual-help houses – Mollie W. Herbold – Passed

Res. No. 395 – Council instruct Office of Planning & Development to begin organization of programs, members, and individuals regarding the housing of historical documentation and items of value to EBCI – Amended/Passed

Res. No. 396 – Chief authorized to enter into PL 93-638 Title V Construction agreements with Nashville Area Indian Health Service for administering PL 86-121 Sanitation Facilities Construction Projects awarded during FY 2010 – Amended/Passed

Res. No. 397 – Council authorize Cherokee Language Forum to develop Cherokee Language subject area test as part of certification process for Cherokee language instructors – Passed

Ord. No. 398 – Cherokee Broadband Enterprises Amendment – Tabled

No # given – Revised Personnel Policy – Withdrawn

Res. No. 399 – 2% one-time incentive for Tribal Employees and approval of FY 2011 Fiscal Budget – Tabled